by Sarah | Oct 16, 2020 | Blog
Costing & Approvals Stage In my third article on this subject, I’m going to take you through the Costing and Approvals Stage of a standard interior design process. First, the outline costs will be updated to reflect the detailed design package (this stage is...
by Sarah | Oct 8, 2020 | Blog
Detail Design Stage In my second article about the interior design process, I’m going to walk you through the Detail Design Stage. There are a number of areas to consider that you might not realise an interior designer has to get involved with. At the Detail Design...
by Sarah | Oct 5, 2020 | Blog
Concept Stage Many people see interior design as simply paint colours, cushions and picking furniture. But if you’re a business that relies on having striking interiors that appeal to your customers, then you’ll know that the design process is much more than just...
by Sarah | Sep 25, 2020 | Blog
I was always destined for a creative job. At an early age, the signs of interior design were there, even in the way I would play. As a toddler, I took my crayons and coloured in the space between the skirting board and the underside of my Mom and Dad’s bed. I loved...
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