Although my days are usually very varied, and often frenetic depending on the stage of a project, I thought I’d share a view of what a typical day at SPG Interior Design looks like…

8:00 – 9:00am:
My working day begins. First, I’ll look through my bullet point list, which I’ve prepared the night before, checking any ‘must-do’ tasks needed for that day. I will add any expected durations and prioritise these tasks. I find this really helps to focus my mind, especially if there’s something I don’t want to do.

I used to dive straight into my emails, but I’m currently trialing a new method I picked up from ‘The 4-hour Work Week’ by Tim Ferris, where I look at emails only twice during the day – 12pm and 4pm. Now, I don’t always stick to this, but I do find that I’m much more productive when I do. Dipping in and out of emails throughout the day is distracting (and as a creative, I can be easily distracted!).

9:00am – 12:00pm:
My morning will depend on whether I have a project on-site. Usually, I will generally have a few telephone calls throughout the day, including queries from the site, other consultants or from the client. These often lead to problem-solving on the hoof, either on the call itself or after gathering some follow up information.

Midday – 1:00pm:
Again, depending on whether I’m on-site will depend on when (and whether) I break for lunch. I’m terrible for getting stuck into something and then not stopping for hours (I know, it’s a bad habit and I am working hard to break it. One step at a time though…). Quick check of the emails before starting on the afternoon’s jobs.

1:00 – 5:00pm:
If I’m in my office, I’m likely to be working my way through drawing amends, issuing sketches or tracking down information. I have to allow some flexibility in my working days to cover this, especially towards the end of a job on-site. Most of my days include an aspect of drawing, usually on AutoCAD, preparing layouts or details for a project, or SketchUp for 3D models to present to clients.

For me hand sketching is a useful tool, as I can explain the details of a job, usually to contractors, in a quick, functional, and informative way. I leave my sketch visuals for presentations to the experts; they can do it in a fraction of the time and with far better results.

And, of course, the business side always needs tackling. Whether it’s mornings or afternoons, I tend to do 1-2-1s once a week, regular networking meetings (which have increased significantly during lockdown, but I’m conscious about building better links with the connections I’ve already made) and social media. I try to look at LinkedIn every day, and I check Facebook and Instagram which includes posting, around 2 – 3 times per week.

5:00 – 7:00pm:
This is the end of my working day, depending on where I am on any given task (and whether I’ve completed my bullet points!). I’m pretty good at not working once I’ve left the office for the day. No emails or calls once I walk out of my office and I rarely work over the weekend. Downtime as essential, it gives me the space to park my business thoughts and relax.

If you’re interested in working with an experienced interior designer who is passionate about helping her clients create the best spaces to work & play in, then I’d love to have a chat with you. Call 07943 878462 or email: